
(Games) Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie for Android

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie Has been around for quite a while but the version was korean version and I'm sure we all don't speak korean.

This game may require internet connection

This game differs from the original release that was named ragnarok online mobile story.

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie


Thanks to dev

So guys for everyone who wonder about servernames (something of info we cant change into english or latin letters cause this is server(서버)-sided info)

Here a small translation including the 2 new servers.

1 - 발하라 - Valhalla
2 - 미미르 - Mimir / Mimil
3 - 아스가르드 - Asgard
4 - 포링 - Poring (here most of us non korean play on)
5 - (NEW)티바스- Tibas / Tivas
6 - 알프하임 - Alpheim/Alfheim

How to Create an account

1. tap the pencil icon on the bottem left side corner to register new account.
Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

 2. select accept
Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

3. enter on first part your email, second is password, 3rd is confirm password then the botton at the bottom to register
Ragnarok Online The Rebellion of Valkyrie

Then just login to create character and play the game!
give credits to original post : LINK



  1. I live in question is,can i play this?

  2. U need to update it bro caz we cant connect to server

  3. I made another post about this, by the way Im a girl

    Check this:

  4. Cant update in google play just for damm koreans
