
(ROM) BeautySense v.1 with HTC interface

This this ROM has HTC interace, what else does this ROM have?
Please see terms and conditions before downloading this. I am really not responsible to any damage that will occur on your device.

Based on SG5360DDLC3

Android OS version : 2.3.6

BeautySense v.1

BeautySense v.1

BeautySense v.1

BeautySense v.1

BeautySense v.1

BeautySense v.1

+ Stable, Fast, Rock Solid

+ HTC styled 14 toggles

+ Various Buid.prop Tweaks

+ Deodexed

+ Zipalign

+ Rooted

+ BusyBox

+ Bash Shell Support

+ BusyBox run-parts support

+ Comes with Stock-like Kernel with init.d support

+ Full Support for Init.d scripts

+ Compatible with Merruk's Kernels

+ Superuser Access; Busybox Support

+ ICS keyboard

+ Asop lock screen ( default )

+ HTC styled settings

+ HTC styled dialer

+ HTC styled caller bg+ img

+ HTC styled laucher

+ Beats themed music player

+ Bass/Treble Enhanced Sound

+ 14 Toggles by lidroid rom

+ Swipe to Remove Implementation

+ New Google Play Store; Google Search Updates

+ Full Bravia Engine Port; Fix Xloud; Beats Integration

+ UI optimized; New Lockscreen by lockbot

+ Addon Important Apps (see more inside!)

How to install this ROM

1. download zip file here  : take survey to unlock
2. boot to recovery
3. wipe date
4. wipe cache
5. apply update from sd
6. install the zip htc sense
7. smile and have fun!

There is an issue with text. It sometimes turns white: Download the fix and install

beautysense rom text issue
before fixing

beautysense rom text issue
after the fix

enjoy this new ROM


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