
(ROM) Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1 with Kernel

Read terms and conditions guys

What's news:
-based icon from ICS 
-new statbar ui
-lidroid toggle added
-run init.d on boot with moddified kernel instead(repencis kernel)
-swipe to remove added
-ics style setting
-built in samsunghome with 5dock with
-a2sd supported 
-aosp lockscreen
-droidwall supported
-i/o schedullar added

Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1
Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1Ultimate Sonic ROM v2.1

unlock download with survey

How to:
Open cwm do data wipe and cache
Choose ultimatesonicromv2.1
Wait till succesed
Reboot ur phone to stock recovery do data wipe and cache
Reboot system
Done its your enjoy it


Fix updated swipe/transparent/ics style settings
Flash thru cwm

Fix updated/swipe/black/ics style setting
Flash thru cwm


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