
(Tweaks) Common TERMS : if your'e a noob

If you don't know the terms and you got confused. Here are some of the lists defined

Developer/dev - A man or woman who has created (developed) software. Eg, Acro68

ROM - 1. A modified version of the Android operating system operating system. 2. Read Only Memory, a place where information is stored and can not be destroyed, modified or written to.

AOSP - "Android open source project" a project by Google Inc. to give android to developers and manufactures for free (see open-source)

Open-source - (not to be confussed with free) A peice of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.

CM - See cyanogenmod

Cyanogenmod - A free open-source project based on the AOSP. It is a modded (see modded) version of the Android firmware

Firmware - see ROM (1)

Stock - An unchanged version of something. Example: I just flashed stock Samsung firmware.

OTA - "Over the air" a term used to indicate software that was sent to phones directly through the internet to their phones.

FOTA - "Firmware over the air" this normally refers to ROM's but can refer to radio firmware (see OTA)

Firmware - a piece of software to make hardware function correctly. This can refer to Radio Firmware, but is normally used as another name for ROM (1)

Radio - (not to be confused with Radio Firmware) A piece of hardware that allows communication. There are 3 main radios in your phone. Bluetooth, WiFi and GSM/CDMA.

Radio Firmware - (see firmware) a type of software that allows correct communication with the radio and the operating system. A newer firmware would normally improve battery life and call quality. The radio firmware only applies to the CDMA/GSM radio.

CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.

Kernel - An important part of all operating systems that handles the CPU and other vital components. A modded kernel may be used for overclocking.

Overclock - (not to be confused with underclock) to exced the default maximum CPU speed. This could make a phone more powerful but may cause damage. Although no damaged has been reported so far it could still drain battery life.

Underclock - to change your phones maximum frequency to LOWER than the default to attempt to extend the phones lifespan and battery.

Mod - A modification to a part of the phones software. It is also POSSIBLE to mod the phones hardware but is not recommended.

Modding - To perform a mod

Modded - to have included mods

Modification - see mod

Governor - a system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop bellow the (just as eaisly configurable) minimum frequency.

Library's/Libs - a set of instructions for applications to use to function. A functioning camera lib would allow the camera to be used.

Logcat - A logging system built into the ADB

ADB - "Android Debug Bridge" a system that can be accessed using a computer where you can manage the device from. You need the Android SDK to use it.

SDK - "Software Development Kit" a set of tools used for software development.

WIP - "Work In Progress"

JDK - "Java Development Kit" an SDK for the java platform. It is needed to run the Android SDK.

JRE - "Java Runtime Environment" a collection of binarys and files to allow java software to execute.

Execute - To "run" or "start" a binary

Binarys - (sometimes called bin's) a group of executable files.

RAM - Could be one of three meanings: 1. Memory for the CPU to process processes. 2. Random Access Memory, a place where information can be used, executed from, modified, or deleted. 3. A type of sheep.

SD - Short term for MicroSD

GB - Could mean one of two things. 1. Gingerbread or 2. Great Britain

Gingerbread - Android 2.3

Froyo - Android 2.2

Honeycomb - Android 3.x. it was never released or ported to the Galaxy W because it was built for tablets.

Ice cream sandwich/ICS - Android 4.0. The latest version of Android.

CM9 - Cyanogenmod 9. A modified version of ICS. (see cm)

Kies - Update utilities, used to backup and update firmware.

Odin - A tool for updating firmware.

Custom recovery - An unofficial version of the recovery to install unoffical ROMs.

AFAIK - "As far as I know"n Android application

KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.

Zipalligned - This is something that makes a ROM faster. If you can improve this please contact me!

Deodexed - Where ODEX files are moved into the actual applications

APK - "Android Package" an Android application, Eg XDAFree.apk