
(Tweaks) (Kernel) Kuro Kernel for SGY

Please read terms and conditions before applying this using CWM. This kernel was designed to save battery usage but does not support a2sd. Please uninstall a2sd before installing so that you will not get bootloops.

Kuro Kernel

A nice customized kernel which is closely developed to resemble stock kernels.

Download here

Latest Build: v1.1

Whats Changed:
v0.1 : 
first released version 

v0.2 :
- swap
- ext4
- more iosched
- optimized conservative for battery saving
- ciffs (not really needed but it will be usefull if someone might want to use it)

v0.3 :
- new freq configuration (312-468-624-832). less sudden jumped out freq from 312 to 624 but it still imperfect yet. 
- new govs, wheatley removed. now conservative is set as default for battery saving option.
- configured iosched, sio as default.
- now it use a part of koneu patch to fix deep sleep problem 

download zip above
flash using cwm recovery

Once you install this, you will be able to use cpu controller apps to set frequencies. This will help your device save more battery or make it more faster.
Please do use wisely and for setting up, experiment which combinations will give you more boost or save more battery.


1 comment:

  1. This kernel support init.d script??
    Can I install adrenaline engine?
