
(Apps) Funny Status 2 : Very useful for Facebook

A very useful app if you're into facebook a lot!
Do your friends like Funny Stuff ツ ? Of course they do! Everyone knows humor is the number one desired thing in relationships.

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Impress your friends and family with tons of hand picked humorous status updates, pictures, videos, text tools, and more! This FEATURE-PACKED app has everything you need to become the most popular of your friends on Facebook in no-time!


Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook

Funny Status 2 for Facebook



✔ Includes 100K+ Categorized Funny Status Updates. Easily post directly to your profile. You can edit or copy/paste all status updates. These have been hand picked for maximum humor!
✔ Online Database: Get unlimited access to our online database of fresh status updates, that are updated DAILY!
✔ Most Popular Status Updates
✔ Pictures - Post a variety of funny, cool, interesting pictures that will get LIKEd.
✔ Videos - Just like PICTUREs, one-click posting of the hottest videos!
✔ Hundreds of unique Symbols for Facebook like: 웃유 Σ⊗♒☠☮☯ ♠Ω♤♣♧ ♥♡♦♢♔ ♕♚♛⚜★ ☆✮✯☄ ☾☽☼ ♥☁☂☃☹۞۩ ♬✄✂ ✆✉✦✧ ♱♰∞☿❤❥ ❦❧™ ®©✖ ✗✘⊗♒ ■□▢ ▲△▼▽◆◇◎● ◯Δ◕◔ ʊϟღツ 回₪
εїз Ƹ̵̡Ӝ ̵̨̄Ʒ ξЖЗ εжз☎☏¢☚☛☜☝☞☟✍ ✌☢☣ ♨๑ ❀✿ψ more than any other app!!!
✓ Awesome ASCII Text Art like:
✔ High Definition Graphics & Easy to use interface.
✔ Ability to instantly edit/clear any status.
✔ Random Status Update Generator
✔ Chance - Single random status generator!
Text Tools:
✔ Ability to Flip Text (dılɟ)
✔ Ⓒircles Text Tool
✔ s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ Text Tool
✔ εᾔ ḉøøl Text Tool
✔ Backwards Text Tool. (sdrawkcab)
✔ Pirate Translator (Argghhh Matey!)
✔ Hax0r L33t Speak Translator
✔ ***FB Magic Trick*** Featuring a special magic trick you can play on all your friends ツ
✔ On This Day – Post what happened on this day in history!
✔ Universal Search function to quickly locate relevant statuses.
✔ Status Decorations!
✔ 5000+ Bonus Statuses
✔ Witty Status Posts
✔ Fan Page with new statuses posted daily!

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