
(Games) Brain Challenge : Makes you go nuts!

This game is totally sick! Hard-core brain challenges awaits you. This is the only game that almost gave me a heart attack. Pretty impressive and addicting. Grab your copy now!

Brain Challenge

This is one of the best puzzle games available on android right now. This will actually test how good your analytical skills are. Have fun with this game and thanks for the continued support!

Levels Get HARDER and HARDER. You need to solve the activity on each level to pass through. I really guaranty that this game will make you nuts. I am still stuck on level 26 as for the moment and it took me like a month to pass the previous levels. Damn..


Brain Challenge

Brain Challenge


Brain Challenge, the best puzzle game available on Android ! Too hard for you ?
Do you think you are intelligent ?
Let this application challenge you through different problems.
Enigmas, riddles, puzzles... Everything is here !
Even if you think that sometimes it is impossible, be sure that the solution is just under your eyes !

A good family game that you can share with your family and even your friends!


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