
(Themes) Stock ICS 4.0 Wallpapers

Dondie Here..
This is the official ICS wallpaper pack that was extracted on an ICS 4.0 device. Feel free to do whatever you want with these wallpapers. You can either edit them.. or just add some effects.

Stock ICS 4.0 Wallpapers

These wallpapers are of high definition. Really exquisite in terms of color and textures. Since ICS 4.0 was released, It surely is amazing. Having this wallpapers is a must have for developers and ICS fanatics alike. Go grab your now!

Some Samples:

Stock ICS 4.0 Wallpapers

Stock ICS 4.0 Wallpapers

(save on your sd card and extract)
How to set:
- from main screen select menu
- tap on wallpapers
- go to galleries and select the desired wallpaper and set.


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